Below is a list of API new features and bug fixes we had recently released:

1. We have added another GET endpoint to the Activities Resource that returns all_activities – including CRM activities and Sales Transactions in a single GET method – this is very useful in case you are displaying these activities in a user interface and would like to page over the merged results. Take a look here.

2. We have added a ModificationDate field to all resources, to help you get only objects that were modified since last time you fetched the data or from a specific date and time.

3. Well, this is mainly a new feature of the API but also a bug fix of the developer center – as some of you found out – you could not upload from the developer center CSV Zip files until now – well, now you can – this is because the swagger implements file upload using the Content-Type multipart/form-data – so we have now added support for all bulk uploads using both application/zip and multipart/form-data.

4. We fixed a bug in the POST transaction_lines – user-defined fields could not be updated from within the transaction resource – now they can be updated just like any other transaction line fields.

5. C# Client Library – We have added another Demo project – a WinForm Demo project that demonstrates the advantages of working with the SDK in the use case of data binding.

That’s it for this release – Happy integrating!
Yossi Rotlevy, VP of Data Integration & CO-Founder

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